Category: Frameworks
We are delighted to have provided volunteer support for the second year to Toys on the Table, introduced to use through our partnership with Leicestershire Cares. Toys on the Table is a charity operating in the Leicester and Leicestershire area. They provide new toys and gifts at the festive season for children, who might otherwise not receive anything.
The charity donated presents to over 3,500 children in 2022, and is run entirely by volunteers who collect, process, wrap and distribute the toys to the social services who refer the children. Seven of our employees spent 35 hours volunteering to help the operation.
Established in the early 1980′s, in recent years it has become a separate independent Registered Charity, run by a Board of Trustees, who represent community service organisations including Rotary International, Inner Wheel, the Society of Leicestershire & Rutland Golf Captains, together with workers and volunteers from the City and County Social Services.

Many years on, the need is still as high as it always has been for donated gifts and toys, and with the huge support from the public, and local businesses the Toys on the Table Appeal, has enabled thousands of children to receive gifts during the festive period throughout the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland areas.
An appeal goes out to the public, and, with the support of the local media, thousands of new toys and gifts are donated. Local companies get involved to provide large volumes of gifts, and the Charity organises other activities to raise funds to purchase gifts for the age groups where insufficient presents are donated.

Each year during November they launch the appeal in a public arena with special guests.
We were blown away by the work this wonderful charity does each year to spread some Christmas cheer to vulnerable children.
These volunteering hours support our social value commitment to the Elmbrook School project for Leicester City Council, procured through the Procure Partnerships Framework.
If you would also like to get involved, please visit their website: